11. Juli 2022

GIS motors in historic sugar factory

In Ljubljana, the historic Cukrarna sugar factory was transformed into a cultural and arts centre. Our Slovenian partner Lorex was involved significantly in the equipping and relied on GIS Entertainment motors of the LP500 type for the stage systems.
GIS motors hold a stage system for light installations and theatre curtains

The sugar factory in Ljubljana, called Cukrarna, has had an eventful history. Built between 1828 and 1834, it quickly became one of Slovenia's most important industrial buildings, but then, due to a severe earthquake, it was converted into housing for the people. In the course of the 20th century, it began to slowly decay and the historic building increasingly became a refuge for the homeless and a meeting place for the drug scene. In 2008, the city of Ljubljana bought the derelict building and had it renovated over several years and transformed into a cultural and arts centre.

Our Slovenian partner Lorex was involved in equipping the newly renovated premises. As a specialist for AV and stage technology, it supplied and installed various sound systems for the different concert, event and conference rooms and set up stage systems with theatre curtains and lighting installations. In the process, Lorex used a total of 32 LP500 D8+ GIS motors. In addition to the safety aspect (holding loads above people), the connection to the control system was of central importance. All chain hoists are equipped with an encoder for path measurement. This ensures that the motors have optimum synchronisation in group applications and that the traverses of the platform systems are raised and lowered evenly.

We congratulate Lorex for the successful implementation of this sustainable project.


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Chain motors for holding stage equipment above people
GIS motors hold a truss with loudspeaker
GIS motors hold a stage system for light installations and theatre curtains
In the large room, the stage systems are raised and lowered by chain hoists

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