Stationary use

In theatres, schools, sports centres, multi-purpose halls, arenas, convention centres, casinos, film and TV studios, hotels, shopping centres or even churches, GIS electric chain motors are in use all over the world. Opera houses such as in Zurich, Helsinki or Sydney or O2 arenas such as in Berlin or Prague trust in the reliability and operational safety of GIS motors and their longevity.


Electric chain hoists carry trusses with lightingD8+ electric chain hoist holding truss in cultural centerElectric chain hoists carry truss under stadium roofElectric chain hoists carry truss in stadiumThe modern rigging system in the Swiss Life Arena consists of 6 trusses that are distributed above the ice surface and are each held by 5 LP1600 electric chain hoists.Electric chain hoists carry lighting in Zurich stationVideo cube ice hockey stadiumThe GIS motors are attached as climbing hoists to the anchor pointsFor an exhibition, the rigging system is equipped with speakers and spotlights.For a concert, cross beams with spotlights are attached to the front longitudinal trusses of the GIS rigging system.Electric chain hoists with motor trolleys in Samsung hall ZurichThe Swiss Life Arena was opened in 2022 and has a state-of-the-art infrastructure, including a GIS rigging system.Electric chain hoists Entertainment in stage roofGIS Electric chain hoists carry truss in stadiumGIS Electric chain hoists carry trusses with lighting

Products in use

These products are often used for this market: